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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Operation Roundup assistance for those in need.

Operation Round-Up

Operation Round-Up provides financial assistance to members of our community who, through no fault of their own, have suffered a catastrophic event. This program allows members who wish to participate to have their energy bill rounded up to the nearest dollar. One hundred percent (100%) of these donations are used to help those who have suffered some significant, unfortunate circumstances. The average Operation Round-Up contribution is only .49 cents per month. All contributions are tax deductible.

Since 1994, Operation Round-Up has disbursed more than $2,480,000.00 to 457 families.
This great program is available to customers of the Withlacoochee Electric Cooperative, contact me if you need any information about this great program.

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Horizon Fund Helps

Did you know that the FAAST program is available to help you with financing wheelchair accessible vans and equipment in the state of Florida? Did you know you can click here and get more information. It is called the new horizon fund

Assistive Technology & Home Based Business Loans For Floridians with Disabilities

What Is The New Horizon Fund?

The New Horizon Fund offers loans for the purchase of assistive technology up to $30,000. We also offer home-based business loans up to $20,000. Our loans have reasonable rates and terms.

How Can These Funds Be Used?

Loans can be used for all types of assistive devices and to purchase equipment for starting or maintaining a home-based business.

What About Credit History?

Credit history does not disqualify you for a loan. if you are lacking a credit history or have a poor credit history, we will evaluate your situation on a case by case basis.

Are There Income Restrictions?

No. The New Horizon Fund has no lower or upper income limit and we consider all sources of income.

Call Toll Free: 888-788-9216 Email:

The New Horizon Fund is a program of the Florida Alliance for Assistive services and Technology, a 501(c)3 organization funded in part by the Rehabilitation services Administration.